Mid summer as the heat wave went across Europe the water levels fell. Rivers overgrew with water plants, banks were unreachable due to the thick brush. Warm water made the trout inactive. The heat, flies, mosquitos did the same for me. Also catching trout now was not the good for the health of the fish. Seemed like a good time to turn my attention to chub. A feisty fish met in most Lithuanian rivers. Spent a trip scouting potential sections of river for a upcoming 3 day kayak trip. Small chub up to 30cm and perch were active even in the blistering heat. Good sign. More details on that trip in an upcoming article August started with cooler weather and a bit of rain, hope this trend continues. With some luck this will bring water levels to normal. September is the month that I will be getting back to trout fishing in more known rivers for bigger fish. Hopefully will end the trout fishing season with some big fish.