3 trout Embarking on a scouting expedition, I set my sights on a river nestled approximately 70 kilometers from Vilniaus, near the border of Belarus. But, before immersing myself...
Ultralight fishing
3 trout Embarking on a scouting expedition, I set my sights on a river nestled approximately 70 kilometers from Vilniaus, near the border of Belarus. But, before immersing myself...
First spring trips Not the first outing this season, but the weather's been unruly, putting my fishing plans on hold. Finally, spring has graced Lithuania with its radiant sunshine,...
Trout Fishing and BBQ Was away from trout fishing for a solid month. A month too long, but other matters sometimes trump fishing. Choose a river which has been...
Two river patches The heatwave across Europe has hit Lithuania as well. Its 30C with no clouds in sight, not the best weather report for angling. Still the fishing...
Trout fishing in a small river Here we go again. A new season is well upon us. Already had a couple of outings and only the last brought any...
Autumn Its October 2nd. and trout season is over, but still need to scratch my fishing itch. So I am heading out for some chub. The river is mid...
Big river, big chub Big River Fishing a small river is straight forward. Every fallen tree, boulder, river loop, low hanging branch with shade is potential for a catch. An...
September 2nd. Autumn fishing in rivers always brings up memories of my childhood. Visiting my parents this weekend. Will be fishing a river where It all began, hundreds of...