Spring trout fishing in a flooded meadow

April 14th.

Spring trout fishing, gets me out of my winter hibernation. Weather is magnificent. Sunny, clear, blue skies, calm winds. I pack my gear and make a 80km trip to small stream south of Vilnius. My first time fishing it. First impressions – discouraging. The stream is tiny, water is crystal clear , width 1-2metres, depth 30-40cm. I prep my gear and start moving upstream. 10 minutes in I cast aiming towards a pool where the current slows down. Two turns of the reel and I see a small trout hitting my lure. Too small to hook, but I know there is life. Further upstream a flood-meadow, beaver dams start to appear, the current slows down, the stream widens, deepens. Hoping for bigger trout I try different lures, but no bites. The path way has fallen rotting trees, thick moss, minuscule springs, haunting and charming at the same time. The flora thickens, I struggle to push upstream. I take a 500m detour, the path is passable again, but the stream is not fishable anymore. Depth does not reach 15cm, water plants make it impossible for the lure to pass without hooking everything. I turn around and start heading to my starting location, from there I move downstream. Straight away I hook a 15cm trout, I unhook and let the little fella go. As I move a can see trout younglings scattering from my footsteps. I check 300m, but no bites, I decide to head to another stream 16km from here.
More promising. It is not wider, but deeper, the water is not as clear. I start casting. As I move further downstream the current slows and the stream widens in certain areas up to 10m. The stream has dead trees creating perfect hiding spots for lurking trout. I try casting between them and straight away a hit, the rod shakes for 5s and quiets down. The cause of the flood emerges a huge beaver dam. I cast a size 0 Meps Aglia long and get a hookup. Not long after the fish is in the net. A beautiful ~30cm trout. I continue casting and get two more hits, but no hook ups. The trout are very weary. I check the entirety of the flooded area before moving beyond the dam. I change my lure to a Forest Miu spoon and cast into the main current. A small trout jabs the lure and goes into hiding. Seems like this is the main theme of the trip. 20min later with no more bites it starts to rain, I decide to head home and try my luck at the same spot tomorrow.

Next day upon arrival I do not waste any time and start casting where the flooded area starts. As I move closer to the dam in the distance I can see two anglers. Did not want to intrude since they did come here first and do not think they would have been too pleased if I leapfrogged them. I decide to go to another river close by. The river is much bigger and deeper. After 4h of casting and without a single bite I decide to head home with quick stop at the first river. Immediately I get a couple of bites, but no hook ups, closer to the dam a small trout strikes the lure and a reel him in. A 25cm spring trout is in the net again on the Forest Miu. Was disappointed I could not fish here from the start, but all in all great two days of spring trout fishing.

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