Back to trout
Second to last weekend before the trout fishing season is over. With a friend we agree to try our luck in a river I have fished, but did not have any results. Day of the trip the weather was dull and rainy. Still we decide to go. About an hours drive and another 15-20min on foot threw a forest road. We arrive.
First impression are good. The water is clear, levels were decent. We do not waste time and start casting. First couple of casts nothing. Short wade later each of us land a trout. Both small, but a good sign. The fish are biting.
My friend was on spoons and spinners. While I had a Jackson Kanade minnow on. Tried to twitch for the whole session. As we went further the water became deeper. Thus easier to twitch. Trout after trout reached the landing net. All similar in size. We did notice a trend. The small trout went for spoons and spinners while the bigger ones for the minnow.
A slight drizzle lingered. Not the most pleasant weather, but the trout kept biting so it did not matter too much. Furthermore the nature was stunning. Tree roots showing on the bank as the river erodes it. High cliffs on top of them pines wave as the wind blows. It was a sight to behold.
Seemed like the further we went the bigger the trout got. Soon enough I land a 30cm one. It was lanky and thin. Still pleased with the catch. The bites kept coming threw the day. We even had a double bite having to scoop two trout with the landing net. Midday I was also surprised by a chub. We kept going info late afternoon. And finished the session with another trout in the 30cm range.
Satisfied we decide to end the day. On the way back to the car we foraged for some wild mushrooms. A pretty full day in nature.