Monofilament lines

Monofilament lines are made from a single (mono) yarn (filament), produced by stretching a single fiber material. Specifically, nylon, fluorocarbon, and polyester correspond to the monofilament.

Showing all 3 results

Varivas GANOA Absolute AAA Fluorocarbon

Varivas GANOA Absolute AAA Fluorocarbon

1 in stock

Varivas GANOA Absolute AAA Fluorocarbon top of the line fluorocarbon. Created for tournament situations. A thin diameter line with higher pound test strength than larger, thicker diameter lines.

Varivas Nogales Dead or Alive Fluorocarbon

Varivas Nogales Dead or Alive Fluorocarbon

Varivas Nogales Dead or Alive Fluorocarbon – the ultimate fishing companion designed to elevate your angling experience. Crafted with precision and innovation, this high-performance fluorocarbon fishing line delivers unparalleled sensitivity, strength, and invisibility beneath the water’s surface.

Varivas Trout Advance Bait Finesse

Varivas Trout Advance Bait Finesse

Morris is meeting the needs of serious anglers all over the world. With a comprehensive range of the highest quality fishing Lines and fishing Tackle, under the Varivas brand name. Bait Finesse implements advances technology to bring the best fishing experience. Varivas Trout Advance Bait Finesse is created from Nylon. A balanced, strong material for high performance fishing.


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