Pontoon21 Greedy Guts

A selection of lures from the Pontoon21 Greedy Guts series. Choose from a variety of sizes, weights, working depths to suit your fishing conditions.

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Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44F MDR

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44F MDR

The Greedy Guts 44F MDR has a unique shape. By their appearance and especially by their saggy, bursting belly, these lures resemble heavily overgrown fry. Combined with an unusual location of center of gravity results an improved hang system. This design feature is not accidental. In the belly of the minnow, two weights of the Mag Force Balance II system are skillfully placed. A Pontoon21 hard bait with expressive movement at any speed of retrieve. Jerking, twitching, ripping, pumping, etc. – with the Greedy Guts 44F MDR you become a magician. Thus dictate the way the minnow moves.

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44F SR

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44F SR

The Greedy Guts 44F SR tries to imitate an overgrown fry. It has a particular shape with saggy, full belly. This design is not random. Inside the belly part of the lure there are two metal balls. These weights are part of the Mag Force II system. This structure creates a perfectly balanced Pontonn21 minnow. A dramatic action is made possible at any retrieve speed. Twitching, jerking, stop and go no matter what fishing method is your favorite they all work with the Greedy Guts. Anglers that have perfected this Pontoon21 lure can achieve unique movements. A big plus of this Greedy Guts line is the variety of colors.

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44SP SR

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 44SP SR

The Greedy Guts 44SP SR is a hard bait with a particular shape. The appearance resembles an overgrown fry with a saggy, full belly. Due to an uncommon center of gravity the hang of the bait is exceptional. This design is not random. In the belly of the Pontoon21 minnow there are two balancing weights. They are part of the Mag Force Balance II system. At any speed of retrieve the Greedy Guts has a artistic action.

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 55SP SR

Pontoon21 Greedy Guts 55SP SR

The Greedy Guts 55SP SR has unique shape. Combined with an unusual location of center of gravity results an improved balance. Mag Force II is at the heart of the minnow. A lure with expressive movement at any speed of retrieve. Jerking, twitching, ripping, pumping, etc. – with the Greedy Guts 55SP SR you become a magician. In conclusion dictate the way the lure moves.


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